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You’ve just been instructed to create an effective piece of content for yourself, your team, your boss or your client. What’s the first thing that goes through your mind in that moment? The gear you’ll need or the story you’ll tell? In my session, I’ll unpack why story is the key ingredient, and why a well-told story with low-budget gear will outperform and outlast a poorly-told story with the latest and greatest gear. 

Key Takeaways: 

  • Story is King, audience is Queen, and your gear is never seen (except on your resume).
  • The only thing that cares about the gear is your ego. Ego is the Enemy — there’s a great book on this.
  • Better words not bigger budgets make you an effective content creator. 
  • Spend more time learning about psychology and less time learning about that sick new Sony.

Workshop Segments:

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