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To teach when, where, and how to use robotic camera systems, from inexpensive systems for smaller churches up to the big boy toys for those with unlimited budgets. We will be looking at these systems from both the director and the operator viewpoint, and will focus on both the benefits and limitations of each type of system. In addition, we will have some fun showcasing unique products that can create shots never before seen.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn why robotic cameras are not always the right solution. But when they are, and are utilized properly, they are amazing.
  • Walk away with a better understanding of why less is not more, and more is not more. There is no one size fits all. 
  • Learn to shake it up If your camera shots feel boring or repetitive. Don’t let it stagnate. 
  • Learn the discipline of not buying gear that your volunteers can’t fix.

Workshop Segments:

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