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Are you posting to your socials like it’s an announcement board? Maybe you’re running your accounts with no intentionality at all. Learn to tell the story of what God is doing in your community on social media in an authentic way. In this class, you’ll learn how to collaborate with a team to make compelling creative on social media. Also, you will learn the importance of storytelling, good design, how to build a team, and grow your community on all social platforms.

Learning Objectives:

  • Why it’s important to have a social media presence for your church community.
  • How to build a team that collaborates.
  • Learn project management that keeps your social feed fresh and accurate.
  • Understand your audience better and create content they want to see and interact with.
  • Get your time back with tips and tricks that make your workflow smoother.

This class is also available in shorter segments for ease of use. Click the links below to view each segment:

Workshop Segments

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