Working in production environments can be overwhelming. There are so many little details you need to remember to make Sundays, or even a kids’ classroom, work consistently without troubleshooting or technical background. So, in this pre-conference session, we will go in-depth on how you can streamline your systems, eliminate unnecessary work, and make technology way easier for your volunteers. By the end, you will be able to transform any environment that uses production gear into a low-maintenance, easy-to-use space.
Key Takeaways:
- How to control ProPresenter, Audio Consoles, projectors/tv’s, lighting & more with Companion
- How to eliminate the keyboard/mouse and integrate Streamdecks into production areas or mount them in classrooms
- Practical ways to streamline workflows using automation
- How to leverage ProPresenter fully in your environments
- Segment 1: Introduction
- Segment 2: Stream Deck Overview & Installation
- Segment 3: Companion
- Segment 4: Programming Buttons
- Segment 5: Programming Multiple Actions
- Segment 6: Building Your ATEM Page
- Segment 7: Triggers, Settings & Surfaces
- Segment 8: Using Stream Decks with ProPresenter
- Segment 9: Companion & Remote Titling in ProPresenter
- Segment 10: Programming Lighting Automation
- Segment 11: Q&A